Produced Water Solutions – Broussard, LA
Conveying industrial dewatered sludge from a rotary press to a roll-off bin
Product Being Fed:
Industrial Sludge, 60-75 PCF
6in diameter x 25ft-0in long inclined screw conveyor
Customer Challenge:
Produced Water Solutions (PWS), an industry leader in the treatment of industrial wastewater, had a project in house to treat and dewater wastewater from a domestic industrial producer. The challenge for PWS and where SCP was able to step in was in the conveying of the dewatered sludge after the rotary press. The client wanted the dewatered sludge to be conveyed and elevated to a roll-off bin for easy transportation to the landfill. With a building already being built the compact footprint presented a challenge for the layout of the screw conveyor. In addition, the compacted timeline meant the equipment needed to be designed, built, and delivered in an expedited time frame.
SCP Solution:
SCP engineers worked closely with PWS to custom design a screw conveyor to elevate the sludge from the ground level to above the center of the roll-off bin. The 35deg angle of the screw conveyor meant some special design considerations had to be kept in mind to allow the sludge to convey up and to the bin. One of the biggest challenges of an incline screw conveyor are the hanger bearings used to allow for the 25’ length required of the conveyor. The hanger bearing presents an obstacle for the dewatered sludge to flow which is only multiplied by the steep incline. To allow the sludge to flow past the hanger, double flighting was added before and after the hanger to make the screw more efficient and shroud was added to prevent the dewatered sludge from being pushed over the screw. These modifications allowed the dewatered sludge to flow up the incline and past the hanger without the need for expensive modifications to the screw or housing. Another challenge for any inclined screw conveyor is the shaft seal at the bottom of the incline. Because gravity is pulling the dewatered sludge down, the bottom shaft stays continuously flooded. To ensure minimum leakage at the shaft seal, a SCP Master Seal Mechanical Shaft Seal with Air purge was used. This shaft seal offers superior sealing capability without the need for expensive bearing pedestals and additional modifications. Together, SCP was able to work closely with PWS to design, build, assemble and deliver the screw conveyor before their critical deadline.
Special Features:
• Heavy Duty Carbon Steel
• Inclined Screw Conveyor
• Double Flighting at the Hanger
• Trough Shroud at the Hanger
• Inlet Hopper
• Discharge Chute
• Integral Nord Drive
• Fully Enclosed Design
• SCP Master Seal Mechanical Shaft Seal